Monday, September 06, 2004

Think, Think, Think...

So, I am enraptured with thoughts... and, no, I cannot capture them here as I have composed too many emails this evening and it has zapped my innate ability to articulate clearly in words without great mental effort on my part. Brain hurting must flee from the computer!
My Shakespeare book is feeling lonely anyway... it needs some loving :)

My classes up in the land of the green and gold:

Approaches to shakespeare

Theatre As Ritual-Ritual As Theatre

More soon! Cross my heart! *wink* xoxo

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Emily's books

Mutant Message Down Under
5 of 5 stars
Sometimes things aren't what they seem and can be amazing
The Alchemist
5 of 5 stars
A journey that helps to enlighten one and takes the rest of us along for the ride
Anahita's woven riddle
5 of 5 stars
This is classified young adult but is one of the most fantastic stories and shows what life was like before the Shaw was overthrown in Iran.
Think and Grow Rich
5 of 5 stars
must read for those who enjoy prosperity