Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Zippity do dah

*singing* "Zippity ay! My oh my, what a wonderful day!"

*grin* Yes, I'm having a pretty fantastic day, despite being so sleepy. Our group presentation went well despite a little bit of "slacker attitude and lack of collaboration" drama.

 Source: createfindadmire.tumblr.com via Emily on Pinterest

My papers that were all supposed to be due around the same time are miraculously now staggered about a week apart for each. One this week, one the next week, and one the week after that. (God loves you, but I'm really his favorite! *wink*)

I received an offer to be a contributor to a pretty hip online magazine. I am looking forward to the project in a big way.

Life is an adventure and I am certainly loving the feeling of just going out and grabbing all the wonderful experiences as they come by and giving them each a great big hug. 

Today is the day, the rest of your life begins...today. Everything you choose creates your life. Every perception and perspective you have creates your choices. Think wisely.

Why are you going to do what you are going to do?


Don't take this too seriously, but remember it's not a joke.

Don't forget as long as you still have breath, you can always change your mind.

Don't think too long, the clock is ticking...

Say goodnight, Gracie...


  1. Ahhh sometimes keeping in mind that we can't do EVERYTHING is hard. But oh the joys of accomplishing something!! Great post!

    1. Thank you! :) Isn't hard?! I want to do so much....thanks for stopping in.

  2. Great post to read on one's birthday!! Yay me! VERY inspiring, you don't know how much! Especially that closing sentence, "Today is your day..." Thanks! Congrats on the offer and stretch on those assignments!

    --And oh, you forgot to put "2nd" between 'His' and 'favorite!' ;-)

    1. Too funny! :) Thank you very much and Happy Birthday! So glad you stopped in.

  3. Glad you made it to the end of the Challenge! Think it overwhelmed some people and many forgot the IWSG today. Our next post is June 6.
    Oh, I bet no one even told you that word verification was on during the Challenge!

    1. Thanks for stopping in, Alex! Sorry it took all summer for a response. *facepalm* Nope, no one told me verification was on.

  4. Congratulations on making it through! And, wow, great news all around. Congratulations on your achievements, as well.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  5. Good for you for making it to the end of the alphabet. Hope you had a great time. Love the quotes in this post.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Arlee, thank you for stopping by so often! :) I loved the challenge.

    2. My goodness! You are late! But that's okay--I'm still listening. That's one advantage to subscribing to comments and staying in the dialog loop.

      An A to Z Co-Host
      Tossing It Out


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Emily's books

Mutant Message Down Under
5 of 5 stars
Sometimes things aren't what they seem and can be amazing
The Alchemist
5 of 5 stars
A journey that helps to enlighten one and takes the rest of us along for the ride
Anahita's woven riddle
5 of 5 stars
This is classified young adult but is one of the most fantastic stories and shows what life was like before the Shaw was overthrown in Iran.
Think and Grow Rich
5 of 5 stars
must read for those who enjoy prosperity
