Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Humboldt days

words to live by....

The most destructive habit..............................Worry
The greatest Joy.......................................Giving
The greatest loss........................Loss of self-respect

The most satisfying work.......................Helping others
The ugliest personality trait.....................Selfishness
The most endangered species.................Dedicated leaders

Our greatest natural resource.......................Our youth
The greatest "shot in the arm"..................Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome.........................Fear
(items placed here equals an Emily equivalent guide)
The most effective sleeping pill................Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease....................Excuses
The most powerful force in life..........................Love

The most dangerous belief.............................Rumors (Propaganda)
The world's most incredible computer................The brain
The worst thing to be without.... ..................... Hope

The deadliest weapon...............................The tongue
The two most power-filled words......................."I Can"
The greatest asset......................................Faith

The most worthless emotion..........................Self-pity
The most beautiful attire..............................SMILE!
The most prized possession......................... Integrity

The most powerful channel of communication.............Prayer
The most contagious spirit.........................Enthusiasm

A list to live by...pass it along!!!

Have two presentations I'm preparing for they are really not stressful projects:
1. Thursday- a condensed version of Grotowski's (genius director)work from a ritual studies perspective (3-4 min)

2. Friday- a 5-7 min look at an analysis of William Shakespeare's Sonnet #8

Looked at more Phd/MFA programs which is one of the reasons I've been posting so much ;)

Weather up here: Foggy with a brief sun break

I've been walking to school, feels really good to be outdoors and, actually, the walk is intense uphill at times... I should look like a superstar in no time LOL

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Emily's books

Mutant Message Down Under
5 of 5 stars
Sometimes things aren't what they seem and can be amazing
The Alchemist
5 of 5 stars
A journey that helps to enlighten one and takes the rest of us along for the ride
Anahita's woven riddle
5 of 5 stars
This is classified young adult but is one of the most fantastic stories and shows what life was like before the Shaw was overthrown in Iran.
Think and Grow Rich
5 of 5 stars
must read for those who enjoy prosperity